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How To Properly Make Crack Cocaine

How To Properly Make Crack Cocaine

People who smoke crack together are stoic and precise in their communication. At first, as the initial preparation of coke is being cooked (we used to cook it ourselves into freebase), the participants (never more than three or four) may exchange mischievous smiles or amazingly cynical jokes. But inevitably, the verbal communication becomes less and less until finally the only things uttered are those needed to allow the 'partying' to continue. There really are no pleasantries because nothing about this whole thing is too pleasant.

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The criminals already know how to make crack cocaine. It is only the law abiding citizens that wonder what it is. The manufacture of crack cocaine requires that one already possess cocaine. These instructions won’t hurt anyone that doesn’t already have a serious issue on their hands. The information already exists on the Internet.

There is, of course, the walloping initial high produced by taking a big hit and everyone looks on as if they are watching you have an orgasm because in some sick, shadowy way, you are. Then everyone else wants to have the same experience over and over again, even though it lasts such a short amount of time. It is horribly vacuous and in the end leaves you devoid of life force, crying like a man who realizes he has lost everything because for that night, at least, you have lost everything. Eventually, you will lose everything for good.

Breath and (Near) Death In those days, I was only aware of my breath when I smoked drugs or exercised. Yes, I actually exercised. I loved sports and fancied myself an athlete. How could someone be caught up in a destructive behavior like smoking crack and still have another life that permitted athletics? Well, I grew up with sports and excelled at them. In this particular phase of my life, though, sports would increasingly take a distant back seat to drugs. And of course, by the time one starts doing drugs like freebase or heroin, sports and all other efforts are done for.

How To Properly Make Crack Cocaine

The fact is that one really can't be in those two worlds for very long. Kind of like you cannot have light and darkness co-exist in the same room. That particular night, I had smoked everything I could get my hands on - tons of cigarettes, marijuana and cocaine. I was lying back on this cushion and started to feel like I COULD NO LONGER GET A FULL BREATH.

Strangely, I was embarrassed and did not want anyone to notice that something was wrong. Possibly, I was dying.

But it was not yet bad enough that I would have to pull the ripcord. I played it off for a moment, closed my eyes and waited. The feeling worsened to the point where I could no longer get much of a breath at all.

I stood up, walked out of the room and panicked a bit, gasping and thinking, 'OK this is it. It all ends tonight. If I survive this and God, I beg of you, that I do, I will go to rehab and get it together.' I leaned over with my hands on my knees like a football player who had the wind knocked out of him and tried to breathe.

Very slowly my body and its God-given impulse to survive sent out the right chemicals through my blood stream to dilate my bronchial tubes and save my life. The moment of panic passed.

Soon that night of horror would end. I would not end up calling 911. Nor would I go to the hospital.

How To Make Crack

I would not be arrested and go to jail. I did not end up in the insane asylum. I did, however, wake up one day not too long after the night I almost lost my breath for good and realize that I had no next move.

I had taken the horror further than I ever had before and spent three nights awake smoking cocaine. I had momentarily duped a drug dealer into fronting me an ounce and had every good intention of selling it to make a tidy profit. Unfortunately, once we got into the coke there was scant chance any of it would be sold. It took a few guys and me three days to smoke our way through it. Finally, racked with pain from being dehydrated, malnourished, exhausted and hopped up out of my skull, I coerced a friend into giving me several sleeping pills, which finally knocked me out for 30 hours straight.

How I survived that, I will never know.

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Substances. About Us. Our Community. Table of contents:. Origins of Crack Crack is simply a heavily cut form of cocaine.

This means that cocaine is mixed with other crack ingredients to create the substance. Making crack cocaine began due to government law in the US restricting ingredient quantities, meaning they had to be lessened in cocaine doses. This was done because of the negative effects the drug was starting to have on society. Another reason the creation of the drug began, was because the price of cocaine had dropped so considerably that it had become difficult to make the profit on the drug.

However, by mixing the drug with other ingredients to create crack, less cocaine was needed per dose, and therefore more money could be made. Despite this, when it came to how to make crack cocaine, there was set ingredients. Many suppliers simply used what they could get hold on that was cheap and mixed well. There was, and still is, very little care for the other ingredients that go into the mix. This means rat poison and baking soda regularly make their way into batches, making them incredibly harmful and dangerous.

Crack cocaine was commonly. This way of consuming the drug ensured the effects were felt far more quickly by the user. Many users even learned of their own, to ensure they got the best high possible. What is Crack Made of? Is relatively simply made. It consists of 3 main ingredients for the standard mix, which are cocaine powder, water, and baking soda. However, on many occasions, the baking soda is substituted for far worse ingredients.

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Those ingredients may even be added to the baking soda. The chemical formula for cocaine is also altered when these ingredients are added. For example, the chemical formula for crack is Coc + H2O + CO2 + NaCl when baking soda is added to the mixture. The more ingredients that are added to the mixture, the type of ingredient and the quantity, can all influence the drug’s effects.

That is why many users choose to make their own doses from powder cocaine, as they then know every additive in the substance. When it comes to how to cook coke into crack, the process takes time. Powder cocaine is mixed with water and then baking soda. It is commonly done on a spoon or similar utensil as to not lose any powder. The spoon is then heated from beneath to dissolve the powdered cocaine into the mixture and create rock-like chunks.

This is where the nickname rocks come from. What the drug is made of also influences how long a high lasts,. For these reasons, many people choose to create and therefore monitor their dose additives. Dangers of Cooking the Drug Crack is arguably the world most addictive drug. For this reason alone, the stimulant presents large levels of danger for anyone who makes it and may consume it. According to, are so short; they cause users to seek out the drug again and again.

This then leads to a long-term addiction and difficulty avoiding the substance. Many users argue that turning cocaine into crack on their own is far safer for their health. However, they may be able to monitor what goes into the dose, but they cannot control what the drug does to their body.

Cooking coke to make crack is relatively simple for users to do. That is why it is becoming increasingly popular. It is made by heating or boiling, the mixture of powder cocaine, water, and baking soda on a spoon. A useful way of telling when the substance is ready is knowing. When cocaine has turned into crack it will have an appearance like small rocks and have a slightly charred smell.

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It also often doesn’t smell as much like chemicals as it did whilst it was cocaine powder. The actual process of making the substance, from powder cocaine isn’t that dangerous. The only real danger is the heat when boiling the mixture. Despite this, the substance is hazardous to take. Getting Clean Whether you make crack cocaine or buy it, the drug is very addictive and just as dangerous. In fact, it is even more addictive than powdered cocaine, due to the other substances mixed with it. That is why it is so important to know how to get help.

There are some treatment programs available for cocaine abuse. They include inpatient and outpatient care, as well as counseling and therapy. Each one of these treatment programs has pros and cons. Some of which may benefit you more than others.

How To Properly Make Crack Cocaine