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Best Doom Bot Champions

Best Doom Bot Champions Champions

To my experience, Lux is by far the strongest bot. Because she has virtually undogable, spammable CC - which is the only way bots can kill you.

Patch Notes: Patch 9.12 Champion Spotlight: Qiyana Welcome!is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn and improve. Rank flairClick to register your self-updating rank flair. The site may be slow to work, or may be down occasionally. If so, try again later. Note: Your team should have at least 3-4 S tier champions to win, there is only so much YOU can do by yourself.Chatroom: doom100Tips:.

Best Adc Champions

My preferred team comp includes at least Sion + AP Janna + Adc. Champion picks matter a lot, consult Tier list below.

Pick your lane match up before the game starts. Mejai is available.

Best bot champions

Long range champions can play safe enough to keep stacks. Janna/Ziggs/Azir, etc). Take smite so you can buy Bloodrazor on an ADC (Bloodrazor, Hurricane, Botrk, Rageblade) to DPS down Teemo. It also helps vs Udyr's jungle monsters. Smite also allows you to take adjacent camps between waves for more gold/xp.


AP Janna really helps ADC stay alive when DPS'n Teemo.

Best Doom Bot Champions